The Day Of The Dead

El Dia de los Muertos or the Day Of The Dead is a holiday that has become extremely popular in Latin America, more specifically Mexico. The main focus for the The Day Of The Dead is to help provide people with a day where families welcome back the souls of any deceased relatives. According to those that celebrate this holiday, the souls of dead relatives come to life and their living family invites them to drink, enjoy food and celebrate their incredible legacy. 

What You Should Know About The Day Of The Dead ?

While some people think that The Day Of The Dead brings Spanish influences only, that’s not the case. The modern version of Dia de los Muertos certainly has European and Spanish culture influences. However, the origins behind The Day Of The Dead are coming from the Nahua and Aztec people. They chose to have a day when they would appreciate their fallen family members, while celebrating life and the legacy they left behind.

The Spanish had a similar festival, in the form of the All Souls Day. During that day people would cover the grave of fallen relatives with candles, as a way to guide dead souls to their homes. It’s that influence along with the native legacy that eventually brought the modern Day Of The Dead version to life.

Unlike other festivals, The Day Of The Dead is all about healing and enjoying the great things fallen people did for us. It’s also one of the few days that are said to connect the land of the living with the spirit world. Generally, The Day Of The Dead takes place at the very beginning of November every year

What Type Of Food Is Made During The Day Of The Dead ?

The Day Of The Dead is widely known for its unique, exciting range of foods. Pan de Muerto or the bread of the dead is extremely tasty, and it combines egg with yeast among other ingredients. You can also try the Calabaza en Tacha, or candied pumpkin. Calaveras are made from sugar paste and they look amazing. Plus, they are super tasty. Aside from that, some of the popular Day Of The Dead foods are tamales, mole, the alegrias candy, atole or pozole.

There are a plethora of options when it comes to celebrating The Day Of The Dead, and eating great food is certainly at the forefront. Most Day of the Dead dishes are refreshing, and there are lots of candies and sugary foods too. It’s a great idea to celebrate life, while paying homage to the dead, and The Day OfThe Dead manages to do that in a significant, empowering manner

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